VC Kids Update

Shepherding the Children of Vineyard Central

August Summary

During the month of August, the children concluded hearing the story of David and began hearing the stories of Daniel.

In learning about David, they heard the story of David becoming king and bringing the ark (“God’s Holy Box”) of the covenant into Jerusalem even as he was afraid with David leading the parade with dancing and singing without shame.  The 1-4 year olds, made flowers and were challenged to be brave like David and give their flower to someone attending church that was not in their family. The 5-7 year olds spent time singing and dancing for God and had their own parade into the courtyard. The children also heard the story of David sinning and praying for repentance, focusing on the prophet Nathan’s story about the wealthy man taking the beloved sheep of the poor man for himself.

In learning the stories of Daniel, the children are memorizing Daniel 6:26b, “For He is the living God and He endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end.” When reading the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace, and how God protected them because they choose to obey Him instead of the King, the 0-4 class talked about how God walks with us too, when we are in a tough situation, just like he was with the men in the fire.

In addition, the 8-11 year olds reenacted the story of Moses being adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter and talked about what it means to be adopted into God’s family. They also paralleled the adult group message another week and talked about race, and God’s desire that we love all people and seek to understand and appreciate our differences.

During this month, we also celebrated “graduation Sunday” when some children graduated into the next class.

Of note, on Saturday, October 4, from 10-1, shepherds and helpers are invited for a morning of sharing ideas, training, and lunch. We hope you can make it. (More details will follow.) If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. If you are interested in joining those serving the children, please feel free to talk to one of the classroom leaders.

~ Laura

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